Monday, March 26, 2007

EAV chapter 1

4B. Word Forms in Sentences

  1. We conceptualize the idea for the project after discussing it in our group.
  2. Our ability to find a good job after graduation will depend to some extent on the strength of the economy.
  3. We are encouraged by our professors to formulate and express our own opinions.
  4. You need two forms of personal identification.
  5. Although the members of our study group have individual learning styles, we all work well together.
  6. Most students change their major at least once during their undergraduate studies.
  7. There was a strange occurrence in the dorm last night when all the lights suddenly went out.
  8. It is normal for first-year students to experience periodic homesickness during their first semester away from home.
  9. Our professor specifically said to turn in the assignment on Thursday.
  10. Students often find it difficult to understand their classmates' edited comments when they are peer reviewing an essay.

5. Collocation

  1. Our assignment was to define the general theoretical concepts in Chapter 10 of the textbook.
  2. Our group project is to study environmental data on annual rainfall in our state.
  3. I could not find the correct formula to complete this calculation.
  4. When Bill performed a careful analysis of his project, he realized that he had made a mistake.
  5. In our first class the professor introduced the basic concepts of the course.
  6. In our group project for Business 101, we have to interpret the financial data of a major company.
  7. We should carry out a brief analysis of the topic before we spend a lot of time on it.
  8. I expect to gain enormous benefits from my degree program.
  9. Our group found a successful formula for identifying the chemicals.

    6A. Word Parts

  1. evidence (g) facts that show the truth
  2. invisible (j) impossible to see
  3. revise (a) change the original version
  4. supervisor (f) person in charge
  5. television (b) a device for seeing images on the screen
  6. video (k) the visual part of the broadcast
  7. visibility © the state of being visible
  8. vision (d) the sense of sight
  9. visitor (h) a person who visits
  10. visual (e) relating to the sense of sight
  11. visualize (i) form a mental picture

6B Common collocations

  1. When parents got divorced, Janet went to live with her father, but her mother had visitation rights.
  2. I can only visit my grandmother during visiting hours at the hospital.
  3. Our geography professor always uses some types of visual aid in class to make the lectures more interesting.
  4. Although bacteria are not visible to the naked eye, they can be identified under a microscope.
  5. Our visiting professor from China, who has given several excellent lectures about Chinese history, will be returning home next semester.
  6. My glasses give me 20/20 vision but without them I can hardly see anything.
  7. Guide dogs are trained to help the visually impaired safely travel around the city.

    7a Paraphrasing

    B= 2
    C= 5

New and old information

When Reagan assumed the office of the presidency he had two aims in his mind: the recovery of the American economy and the modernization of America into a military power. His success in the first issue was the drop in unemployment figures, inflation and the increase in the GNP testify.
At the same time, Reagan achieved less success with the second because of increased involvement in international conflict without any clear set of political goals. Nevertheless, he pleased the American voter with vast increases in the military budget and a good deal of sober ratting.

Our report demonstrates advantages versus competitors of various components of Telco's current profitability, particularly growth in Asian market. The basis for this new analysis is revenue returns along several dimensions: product type, end-use, distribution channels, distribution type, etc.
According to our projections growth prospect of Telco's newest product lines will depend mostly on its ability in regard to the development if distribution in China. To support the introduction of new products a range of innovative strategies will be needed.

In accordance with officials, the U.S. is stepping up efforts to find evidence of iraqui weapons of mass destruction by offering former mid-level scientists community from prosecution.
The officials said, commenting on what they expected to see in an interm report by David Kay, a former UN weapons inspector, leading the 1,200 member Iraq survey group of investigators, seaching for WMD, had not yielded actual weapons.This report, which might be completed within two weeks, would be focus on Saddam hussein's capability and intention to develop WMD.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The inconvenient truth

The inconvenient truth is a documentary about global warming, directed by Davis Guggenheim and presented by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore. The film provides hard data and forecasts about the climate change in the world and also shows some episodes of Al Gore’s life related to his personal experience in this issue. In other words, it analyzed the causes of global warming from a scientific perspective, discussed the problem as a moral and political issue, and finally pointed out its devastating consequences.

Although some people and politicians in U.S. believe that human beings cannot have an effect on global warming, the main claim of the film is that this phenomenon is caused basically by human activity and its immediate effects could be catastrophic for human life in the next decades.

In the beginning, Al Gore offered a general definition for global warming “carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases warm the surface of the planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere”. However, he pointed out that human activity can increase dramatically the temperature by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil, that is, raising the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere.

In order to prove that global warming is human-caused, Al Gore used specific data, images and illustrative and useful graphs. All these information is used as evidence of the following reasons:

  1. The temperature in the earth is rising considerably: He shows a graph that asses the constant increase in earth temperature and explains that earth had experienced earlier global warming, but currently the main difference is the non stop increasing trend and its intensifying velocity. As an example, he mentioned that the last ten years have been the hottest in the past four decades and the hottest year was 2005.
  2. There really is a positive correlation between CO2 concentration in the atmosphere and temperature in northern hemisphere: according to the results of a study of Antarctic ice sample, he demonstrated that there is an extremely similar trend between the increase in CO2 concentrations and earth temperature. This relationship has many effects on the earth. Al Gore mentioned the following examples.
  3. The melting ice in the Antarctic glacier and Greenland and in important mountains such as the Himalaya.
    i. Higher temperatures in the oceans imply an increase in salt concentration, if that happens in the Atlantic Ocean Europe would face an ice era.
    ii. If one of those glaciers melts away the sea level could rise approximately 20 feet and cover some important cities such as San Francisco Bay or Netherlands.
  4. The variability in oceans’ temperature: the global warming produces an increase in storms, tornados and hurricanes. Al Gore used examples of the most recent natural disasters such as Katrina or others occurred in Asia.
    The seasonal changes: the global warming changes the way of life of living creatures and can put in jeopardy many species almost in the edge of extinction. A good example was the polar bear.
  5. Spread of diseases: because of the rising in earth temperature many pests can arise as insects, rats and mosquitoes. As a result, it is likely that diseases such as avian flu can arise dramatically.

The documentary also used some warrants. The first one emphasized on how Al Gore’s father stopped producing tobacco because his daughter died of lung cancer. This is a good example to show us that even though people know about negative results of, in this case, smoking they do nothing until the consequences are irreversible.

Another example of warrant was the story of Al Gore’s son. He almost dies in a car accident and the former Vice President had to rethink his life priorities, as a result he realized that all of us have to take care of our environment to next generations.

In the end of the documentary, Al Gore encourages all people to reduce its own CO2 personal generation, and make small changes can have huge impact in the short run.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


According to Trice (2004) social interaction between international and Americans students have a positive impact in academic successful and cultural adjusting for foreign students. This kind of relationship can provide valuable information, assistance in working, emotional and moral support.

Although previous researches argue that international students tend to look for support from their compatriots than host national students, Cigularova (2005) suggests that this relationship should be beneficial for foreign students. Nevertheless, is difficult to establish and maintain this kind of interaction.

A variable that could explain students adapting problems is personal assertiveness. In accordance with Athen (1991), Chen (1992) and Poyrazli (2002) there is a positive relationship between assertiveness and International students’ performance in terms of cultural and psychological adjustment. In order to close the gap between these two variables, graduate schools should implement training programs related to U.S educational system to improve self-efficacy among students.